Inventory Forecasting Methods to keep your Business Profitable

5 minute read

Effective inventory forecasting is essential to keep a business profitable and competitive in today’s market. The right inventory planning and forecasting methods can significantly improve the planning process, reduce the cost of holding inventory, and ensure customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the different inventory forecasting methods that businesses can use to improve […]

Published on: Mar 03, 2023

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Effective inventory forecasting is essential to keep a business profitable and competitive in today’s market. The right inventory planning and forecasting methods can significantly improve the planning process, reduce the cost of holding inventory, and ensure customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the different inventory forecasting methods that businesses can use to improve their inventory planning processes.

What is Inventory Forecasting?

Inventory forecasting involves predicting the future demand for products and services, as well as the inventory levels required to meet that demand. The primary goal of forecasting is to optimise the balance between inventory levels and customer demand so that businesses can reduce costs and improve profitability.

Reasons for Inaccurate Inventory Forecasting

There are several reasons why your inventory forecast may be inaccurate. Some of the common reasons include:

  1. Poor data quality: If your historical sales data is incomplete, inconsistent, or inaccurate, it can lead to incorrect forecasts.
  2. Lack of relevant data: If you do not have enough data to analyse, it can be challenging to make accurate predictions. For instance, if you have a new product, you may not have enough historical sales data to predict future demand accurately.
  3. External factors: External factors, such as changes in the market, economy, or weather, can affect demand for your products. If you do not take these factors into account when forecasting, it can lead to inaccurate results.
  4. Inappropriate forecasting method: If you choose the wrong forecasting method for your business, it can lead to inaccurate results. For example, if you use time-series forecasting for a product with high demand variability, it may not be the best method to use.
  5. Human error: If the data is entered incorrectly or the forecasting model is not set up correctly, it can lead to inaccurate results.

To improve the accuracy of your inventory forecast, it is important to ensure that you have high-quality data, take external factors into account, and choose the appropriate forecasting method for your business. Additionally, regularly reviewing and updating your forecasting model can help you identify and correct any errors or inaccuracies.

Inventory Forecasting Methods

inventory forecasting

There are several inventory forecasting methods that businesses can use to achieve this goal, including:

  1. Time-series forecasting
  2. Causal forecasting
  3. Judgmental forecasting
  4. Collaborative forecasting

Each of these forecasting methods has its strengths and weaknesses, and businesses must choose the right method based on their specific needs and circumstances.

Time-Series Forecasting

Time-series forecasting involves analysing historical sales data to predict future demand. This method assumes that past trends and patterns in sales data will continue in the future. The two main time-series forecasting techniques are:

  1. Moving Average: This method involves taking the average of a set of historical sales data to predict future demand. The moving average can be calculated for different periods, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  2. Exponential Smoothing: This method involves giving more weight to recent sales data and less weight to older sales data when predicting future demand. This method can be more accurate than the moving average method, especially when there is a trend or seasonal pattern in the sales data.

Causal Forecasting

Causal forecasting involves identifying the factors that influence demand for a product or service and using that information to predict future demand. The factors that can influence demand include:

  1. Price
  2. Promotion
  3. Competition
  4. Economic factors

Businesses can use statistical models, such as regression analysis, to determine the relationship between these factors and demand.

Judgmental Forecasting

Judgmental forecasting involves using the expertise and intuition of experienced staff members to predict future demand. This method is often used when there is limited historical data available or when external factors, such as changes in regulations or technology, make it difficult to use other forecasting methods.

Collaborative Forecasting

Collaborative forecasting involves gathering input from different departments and stakeholders within a business to predict future demand. This method can improve the accuracy of inventory forecasting by taking into account the perspectives of different stakeholders, such as sales teams, marketing teams, and production teams.

Benefits of inventory forecasting

Inventory forecasting is an essential business process that provides several benefits to organisations. Here are some of the key benefits of inventory forecasting:

  1. Optimises inventory levels: With accurate inventory forecasting, organisations can optimise their inventory levels, reducing overstocking and stockouts. This, in turn, helps to reduce inventory carrying costs and improve cash flow.
  2. Improves customer satisfaction: By having the right products in stock at the right time, organisations can improve customer satisfaction, ensuring that customers can find and purchase the products they need when they need them.
  3. Increases operational efficiency: By optimising inventory levels, organisations can increase operational efficiency, reducing the time and resources required to manage inventory. This, in turn, can help to reduce costs and improve profitability.
  4. Enables effective planning: With accurate inventory forecasting, organisations can plan and prepare for future demand, ensuring that they have the resources and capacity to meet customer needs.
  5. Facilitates supply chain management: Accurate forecasting enables organisations to better manage their supply chain, ensuring that they have the right products in stock at the right time. This helps to improve supplier relationships and reduce lead times.
  6. Supports decision-making: By providing insights into future demand, forecasting supports data-driven decision-making, helping organisations to make informed decisions about inventory management, pricing, promotions, and more.

Tools for Inventory Forecasting

inventory forecasting tools

Inventory forecasting tools are software applications designed to help organisations optimise their inventory management processes by providing accurate and reliable inventory forecasts. Here are some of the most popular forecasting tools:

  1. Excel: Excel is a popular spreadsheet software that can be used to create and analyse inventory forecasts. With its built-in forecasting tools, Excel can be an effective tool for small businesses or those with limited forecasting needs.
  2. Forecasting software: There are several standalone software tools available that are designed specifically for inventory forecasting. These tools use advanced algorithms to analyse historical sales data and generate accurate inventory forecasts.
  3. ERP systems: Many Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems include forecasting modules that enable businesses to generate forecasts based on historical sales data, seasonal trends, and other factors.
  4. Demand planning software: Demand planning software is designed to help businesses forecast demand for their products and optimise inventory levels accordingly. This software can be used to forecast demand across multiple product lines, channels, and locations.
  5. Inventory management software: Inventory management software typically includes inventory forecasting features that enable businesses to forecast demand and optimise inventory levels. These tools often integrate with other supply chain management applications, such as order management, procurement, and logistics.


Overall, inventory forecasting is a critical business process that provides numerous benefits to businesses. By accurately predicting future demand and implementing inventory forecasting best practices, businesses can optimise inventory levels, improve customer satisfaction, increase operational efficiency, and make better-informed decisions.


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